The use of an air purification system helps to eliminate contaminants that may be present inside buildings. 

Why should you use an air purification system? 

An air purification system captures and/or inactivates the pollutants present in the air (microorganisms, fine particles, etc.) It thus provides air that is decontaminated and, therefore, purified of these pollutants. 

To improve indoor air quality, the first actions to take are to identify and limit sources of pollution and then ventilate the room as much as possible. However, in some places, it might be easier to install an air purification system, as installing a ventilation system would require major renovation work. Air purification systems reduce the presence of certain pollutants. Their use is therefore recommended as a way of significantly improving indoor air quality, pending the possible installation of a ventilation system at a later date. Air purification is therefore an option for ensuring healthier indoor air by reducing the pollutants present.

Would you like to use an air purification system?

There is a wide variety of systems available on the market. They use different techniques to combat different sources of indoor air pollution. Depending on the situation, some systems are more appropriate than others. The choice depends on the size of your room, the number of people in it, the activities you carry out there, and the specific sources of pollution present.

To help you choose the system that best suits your situation, the FPS Public Health has set up a number of tools.

A recognition process for air purification systems

Among the pollutants potentially present in indoor air, viral aerosols are of particular concern. This is especially true since the COVID-19 pandemic. Many systems claim to be effective against viruses, but they are not all equally effective. The FPS Public Health is therefore setting up a recognition process to guarantee the effectiveness of these systems against viral aerosols, and to check that their use is safe for the public (i.e. that they do not release harmful by-products, for example). This verification is based on an analysis of a dossier and various pieces of evidence submitted by the manufacturer.

The first applications for recognition can be submitted in early summer 2024.

A label of recognition

All systems recognised by the FPS will be awarded a label of recognition. Look for the pictogram below on boxes and online sales sites to ensure you are buying a quality product.

The first recognition labels will be visible from early summer 2024. 

A list of recognised air purification systems

All the systems recognised by the FPS will be listed on this site. You will be able to find out more about the system you're interested in. You will also be able to find the system that best suits your needs, based on its characteristics.

The list of recognised air purification systems will be published on this site from summer 2024, and updated as and when required. 

This list only includes air purification systems recognised by the FPS for their high effectiveness against viral aerosols and their safety for users. The purchase and use of systems not on this list is not prohibited, but you will not benefit from the guarantees provided by the FPS. 

A practical guide to choosing an air purification system

A practical guide will help you choose from the list the appliance that best suits your needs. A step-by-step approach will help you identify the relevant characteristics to take into account. The result will depend in particular on the level of indoor air quality you wish to achieve, the volume and occupancy of your room (number of people, activity), and the specific pollutants present.

The practical guide to choosing an air purification system will be published on this site from summer 2024, and updated regularly thereafter. It will not be available in English.

Would you like to market air purification systems in Belgium?

Whether you manufacture air purification systems or import them, you must comply with the legislation in force in Belgium.

New legislation for systems used to combat viral aerosols

From 18 May 2024, criteria will apply to the marketing of air purification systems that use technologies capable of eliminating aerosols from contaminated air or deactivating viruses. These criteria are set out in the Royal Decree of 9 February 2024 [NL/FR].

This legislation provides users with an additional guarantee of the quality of air purification systems that combat viral aerosols. Thanks to a recognition label awarded to each recognised air purification system, users can easily identify devices whose high effectiveness against viral aerosols and safety have been recognised by the FPS.

Are all air purification systems that combat viral aerosols affected?

No, only systems with an efficiency equivalent to that of class E12 (99.5%), H13 (99.95%) filters, or higher.

In addition, systems used for medical purposes fall outside the scope of this Royal Decree.

  • See the full text here [NL/FR] for more details on the criteria for applying this legislation.
My air purification system had already been approved by the FPS during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do I have to reintroduce a dossier?

Yes, the Royal Decree of 9 February 2024 introduces new requirements for the efficiency and safety of air purification systems.

None automatic recognition is planned for dossiers that have already been approved under the Ministerial Decree of 12 May 2021 provisionally determining the conditions for marketing air purification products as part of the fight against SARS-CoV-2 other than for medical use.

The recognition process for air purification systems

If your air purification system is covered by this Royal Decree and you want to promote its effectiveness against viral aerosols, you should use the label provided by the FPS (in place of or in addition to pre-existing promotional material or claims about its performance, as long as they are not contradictory to the label).

To obtain this label, and therefore have your system recognised by the FPS Public Health, you need to submit an application for recognition via the "Air Purifiers" application.

If your system is not recognised by the FPS, no label will be awarded. All references to the high effectiveness of your system against viral aerosols, or to its harmlessness, will have to be removed.

The "Air Purifiers" application for submitting recognition requests will be accessible via this website in June 2024.

Be sure to submit a complete dossier, including all the evidence required for its analysis. All test and measurement reports used as evidence must be complete, dated, signed and carried out by an accredited laboratory. There are also requirements concerning the content of the manual.
The status of your application can be consulted via the application.

A support document to help you submit your application will be available via this website.

Obligations vary depending on the air purification techniques used by your system.

  • If your system uses an air purification technique based on the use of EPA or HEPA filters, an electrostatic precipitator with a collection system or a UV-C system (240-280 nm), you can apply directly for recognition.
  • If your system fights viral aerosols with an efficiency equivalent to the above-mentioned classes, and if it consists of one or more of the following techniques, a derogation application is required before your product can be placed on the market.

The following techniques require a derogation:

  • Systems using the production or dosed release of ozone in the area under consideration ;
  • Cold plasma systems ;
  • Systems using UV-C light with wavelengths below and above 240-280 nm;
  • Systems combining UV and photo-catalytic solids (mainly TiO2);
  • Systems using air ionisation without precipitate collection ;
  • Systems using metered release of hydrogen peroxide into the space or air stream.

 These techniques are considered by the Superior Health Council to be less well-known and less reliable.

All requests for derogation are submitted via the "Air Purifiers" application. If the derogation is granted, and if the experts' opinion is positive, the corresponding label of recognition is automatically issued. Each derogation is valid for 3 years.

The "Air Purifiers" application used to submit applications for derigations and recognition will be accessible via this website in June 2024.

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