Good practices in the bee culture ensure the bees stay healthy and can withstand diseases and plagues. For example it concerns hygiene measures, correct nutrition, a proper choice of material and a correct fighting against diseases and plagues.
The FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment is authorised for the safety of animal products. The Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) for its part, is authorised for the self checking of the bee culture and can execute checks.
In 2007, the Flemish government has founded a “Practice Centre Bees” (Praktijkcentrum Bijen) which groups together all activities and communication actions concerning bee health and bee culture. And, the Walloon government subsidizes the non-profit organization “Centre apicole de Recherche et d’Informations” (CARI) for carrying out these activities.
Flanders and Wallonia have also financially supported the elaboration of a “Guide des bonnes pratiques apicoles” / “Gids voor goede bijenteeltpraktijken” (‘guide for good bee culture practices’). This guide was drawn up by the sector, approved by the FASFC and has been distributed to beekeepers and other target groups, such as the municipalities.
Through the European honey program, the regional governments (Flanders /Wallonia) are eligible for subsidies for preserving and promoting the bee culture. That way the regions can financially support the beekeepers.