Welcome to the BeQuinT homepage!
This is an initiative of the Belgian health authority: Federal Public Service of Public Health

About BeQuinT

BeQuinT was created in 2011. 
Mission: in the Belgian hospitals:

  • the improvement of the quality of transfusion practice and haemovigilance
  • ​the improvement of the consumption of blood components,
  • the implementation of Patient Blood Management and the measurement of results based on indicators.

Composition: Representatives of various types of health professionals from the different disciplines, communities and (professional) organisations.
(Chair: Prof. Dr. S. Lessire till July 2024, new chair will be communicated soon)
Project coordinator: Ms. J. Vanden Broeck (jana.vandenbroeck@health.fgov.be).

National surveys

National survey on the quality of hospital transfusion practice

Background: In 2011, no data were available about the quality of hospital transfusion practice at the national level.
Materials and methods: Three consecutive national surveys (2012, 2014 and 2016) were performed in all 111 Belgian hospitals to assess the degree of implementation of standards in four process domains related to red blood cell (RBC) transfusion: general
quality aspects, ordering of RBC, electronic traceability and reporting of adverse events. The surveys were part of a methodology based on informing, feedback and benchmarking. Responses to questions were analysed semi-quantitatively, and hospitals could score 10 points on each of the domains.
Conclusion: The results showed that the applied methodology was a powerful tool to improve quality of transfusion practices and to optimize utilization of RBC at the national level.
More information: see publication in Vox Sanguinis 2021;1-9.

National Patient Blood Management survey

In 2020, all the Belgian hospitals with transfusion committees completed an online survey on PBM.
The survey consisted of 5 sections: 1) organisation, 2) PBM in haemato-oncology, 3) pre-operative PBM, 4) intra- and post-operative PBM, 5) PBM in internal medicine and geriatrics. Click here for a summary of the results.
The second national PBM survey was performed in 2023. The main topics were: 1) PBM implementation, 2) PBM in obstetrics and we added also a chapter on the use of O RhD negative red blood cells.

Working groups

  • Immunohaematology
  • PBM for general practitioners
  • PBM in obstetrics

Former working groups



Here you can find some English presentations of our past events: