Climate change is an environmental issue that has increasingly taken centre stage in the last twenty years. This is fitting since global warming, as envisaged by scientific experts, is already being felt today and will no doubt have a huge impact on our planet in the future.
Signing of the UN Convention on Climate Change (1992) and the Kyoto Protocol (in 1997, updated in 2015) were the first steps towards a solution.
But it was clear that we had to go much further: if we are to maintain the global temperature rise below a still acceptable level of 2°C, our society will have to drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions within the space of a generation. This is a huge challenge that requires considerable effort. Therefore the UN Conference in Paris created a new internationel legal Framework.
The federal website / contains all the necessary information on:
- the causes and effects of climate change;
- the international, European and Belgian climate policy;
- information flashes;
- actions that each of us can undertake;
- the scope of action of the Federal Climate Change division.