European diplomas (Directive 2005/36/EC)

Visa for permanent establishment

European practitioners who wish to establish themselves permanently in Belgium and practise their health profession must first apply for recognition with one of the Communities.

For Dutch-speaking applications, you can contact  Departement Zorg 
For French-speaking applications, you can contact the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
For German-speaking applications, you can contact the German-speaking Community

After your recognition by the Communities, the FPS Health will automatically send you your visa authorising you to practise the profession.

Temporary and occasional service provision

European practitioners who are established in another European Member State and who wish to practise their profession temporarily or occasionally in Belgium must request authorisation from the FPS Health.

The request is made using this form and must be sent to 

Non-European diplomas

Visa for permanent establishment (all professions)

Authorization for an internship/fellowship (temporary) - foreign doctors

  • You are not normally entitled to exercise your profession in Belgium.
  • You can obtain authorization, under certain conditions, to carry out certain activities as part of specialized training of a maximum duration of 2 years.
  • Follow the Dutch procedure or the French procedure.


1 Audiologist and Audicien / Bandagist, Orthotist and Prosthetist / Dietician / Occupational therapist / Pharmaceutical-technical assistant / Logopedist / Medical laboratory technologist / Orthoptist-optometrist / Podologist / Medical imaging technologist / Oral hygienist