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In 2001, Directive 2001-42-EC (.PDF) on the assessment of the environmental impact of certain plans and programmes was adopted at European level. This is better known as the ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive’. In Belgium, the federal authorities transposed this directive via the law of 13 February 2006 (.PDF) (Only available in French and Dutch) on the assessment of the environmental impact of certain plans and programmes and the participation of the public in the development of environmental plans and programmes.

The International Affairs Service (HTML) of DG Environment is responsible for the federal transposition of this directive. You will find a diagram representing the directive's transposition(.PDF) . The fields covered by this directive also affect the powers of the three Regions. They have also transposed the directive in order to make strategic assessment applicable to the regional plans and programmes concerned.

For more information:
- Flemish Region :
- Walloon Region: (WEB)
- Brussels Capital Region : (WEB) for projects.