Do you want to submit a complaint, ask a question, or report to the Federal Control Commission? Please review the Commission's areas of competence before proceeding. The form is located at the bottom of this page.

If the Commission is unable to handle your report or complaint, you will be directed to other options.

For general information about the Quality Law for Healthcare practitioners, please visit this web page.

The Federal Control Commission's competencies for your report or complaint

Monitoring the practice of healthcare practitioners

If the behavior or practice of a healthcare professional gives rise to serious concerns for patients or public health, or if circumstances related to their physical and psychological fitness pose a risk, the Federal Control Commission may take appropriate measures. For example :

  • Revoke visa: This results in the loss of the healthcare practitioner's authorisation to continue providing care.
  • Suspend visa: This means that the healthcare practitioner is temporarily disqualified from continuing to provide care.
  • Impose restrictions: This allows the healthcare practitioner to continue to provide care under strict conditions.
  • The Control Commission does not handle violations of patients' rights. If you believe your rights have been violated, please contact the Patient Rights Unit of the FPS Public Health.
Identifying and prosecuting cases of unlawful practice of a healthcare profession

The Control Commission identifies and investigates individuals engaged in the unlawful practice of healthcare professions. Anyone using a title or performing activities contrary to healthcare profession laws is committing the offense of unlawful practice of a healthcare profession. In such cases, the Commission refers the matter to the Public Prosecutor's Office for further action.

Exempting participation in on-call services

​The exemption of on-call services involves both the deontological council of the relevant healthcare profession and the Control Commission.  Healthcare practitioners can request exemption based on factors such as age, health status, family situation, or their current engagement in professional practice.

The deontological council of the profession (e.g., for physicians and pharmacists) grants or denies the exemption. If there's no deontological council, the Control Commission may grant the exemption. To apply for exemption, please fill out the complaint and report form and include:

  • a formal application
  • a medical certificate justifying the request
Transfer of patient records of healthcare professionals who are no longer able to do so themselves

When a healthcare practitioner is no longer able to maintain patient records adequately and in the absence of a professional ethics body for the relevant profession, the Federal Control Commission may take appropriate measures to transfer the patient records to the healthcare practitioner ensuring continuity of care and to ensure compliance with medical confidentiality.

If there is a professional ethics body for the relevant healthcare professional, such as doctors and pharmacists, this body takes appropriate measures.

If the Federal Control Commission needs to intervene, please fill out the complaint and report form.

Forwarding documents

You can securely submit various documents to the Control Commission using the complaint and report form.

Ensuring continuity

The Control Commission, along with the governor, may require a healthcare practitioner to ensure continuity.

Monitoring compliance with the Healthcare Professions Practice Law with respect to medical records

At present, the Control Commission lacks jurisdiction over patient rights violations and subsequent actions. If you believe your rights have been infringed upon, please contact the Patient Rights Unit of the FPS Public Health.

Supervising medicines

The Federal Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (FAMHP) is crucial for safeguarding public health by ensuring the quality, safety, and effectiveness of medicines.

If you're worried about doctors' or dentists' excessive prescriptions, contact the FAMHP. You can also report concerns about a prescriber's physical or psychological fitness to the Control Commission by filling out the complaint and report form.


Questions, reports and complaints

Ask a question

Before asking your question, please review the areas of competence listed above. This will make filling out the form easier for you.

To submit a question to the Control Commission, complete the question form.

Important! If you encounter difficulty loading the correct form, please close your browser completely and reopen it.

File a complaint or submit a report

Before filing a complaint or submitting a report, please review the current areas of competence listed above.

You can file a complaint or report to the Control Commission by completing the complaint and report form.

Important! If you encounter difficulty loading the correct form, please close your browser completely and reopen it.

Your identity as the reporting party

When reporting, you have three options for your identity:

  • Remain anonymous: You won't be informed of measures taken by the Federal Control Commission as outlined in Article 61 of the Quality Law, nor will you be contacted for additional information.
  • Share your identity: Your contact details will be kept to update you on Commission actions and to obtain further information if needed.
  • Utilize whistleblower protection: Submit your complaint on this webpage for anonymity and protection under the Whistleblower policy. (This status is granted to individuals who file complaints within the context of employment or internship relationships and complaints concerning facts harmful to public health).