Violation of the Law Product Standards (Arrêté royal sur les contrôles des normes de produits du 02 juillet 2014 and Koninklijk besluit betreffende de controles op de productnormen van 02 juli 2014) can be prosecuted in criminal or administrative proceedings.
In the criminal proceedings, prosecutions are initiated by the Public Prosecutor's Office and a court decision is taken on the case. Criminal proceedings exclude an administrative fine.
In the administrative proceedings, cases are handled by the head of the Legal and Litigation Department of the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment. He/she may decide to impose an administrative fine.
The reports which have been made by the Federal Environmental Inspection as a result of serious violations will be forwarded to the Public Prosecutor.
If the Public Prosecutor decides to prosecute, a legal judgment will decide about the dossier. Criminal prosecution excludes an administrative fine.
If the Public Prosecutor decides not to prosecute, or if he does not institute proceedings within a period of 3 months, an administrative fine can be imposed by the leading official of the Judicial Service and Disputes of the Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment.
The reports made by the Federal Environmental Inspection in response to less serious violations will be forwarded to the leading official of the Judicial Service and Disputes of the Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment. This official may decide to impose an administrative fine.
If the leading official imposes an administrative fine, and that fine is paid on time, then the case is closed. If the fine is not paid, or not on time, then the leading official will transfer the dossier to the Public Prosecutor.