Belgium has a long tradition of sea research. For additional or more specific information, you can find something you want in one of the following sites:
• MUMMis Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models and the Scheldt Estuary. It is a department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (IRSNB), a federal scientific institution falling under the Federal Science Policy (formerly known as the DWTC). Data on the marine environment of the North Sea is stored in the "Belgian Marine Data Centre".
• BELSPO: Abbreviation of "Belgian Science Policy", is a division of the Federal Public Services and Public Planning Services (POD) Science Policy. One of the eight priority research programs of "Science for Sustainable Development" (SSD) concerns "Antarctica and the Marine Environment".
• VLIZ is the Flemish Marine Institute and the coordination and information platform for marine research in Flanders.
• ILVO the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research of the Flemish government. Marine research focuses on the sustainable exploitation of the marine resources, quality fishery products and the protection of the marine environment.