- Opinion no. 85 - the ethical legitimacy of prioritisation in healthcare
- Opinion no. 82 - Status of human remains in museum, scientific and private collections
- Recommendation of 21 December 2020 - prioritisation of care in times of Covid-19
- Opinion no. 75- ethical standards for the roll-out of anti-Covid-19 vaccination for the benefit of the Belgian population
- Opinion no. 74 - sexual assistance for persons with disabilities
- Opinion no. 73 - euthanasia in case of non terminally ill patients, psychological suffering and psychiatric disorders
- Opinion no. 72 - public solicitation of organs from a living donor
- Opinion no. 71 - late termination of pregnancy for medical reasons
- Opinion no. 70 - ethical aspects of nonmedical circumcision
- Opinion no. 69 - experiments and other scientific research involving inmates
- Opinion no. 68 - maximum age limit for medically assisted reproduction
- Opinion no. 67 - reception of Oocytes within lesbian couples (ROPA)
- Opinion no. 66 - non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
- Opinion no. 65 - immigrants with medical problems, including serious psychiatric ones
- Opinion no. 64 - mandatory vaccination
- Opinion no. 63 - draft protocol "Donation after Circulatory Death" (DCD)
- Opinion no. 62 - implications for pregnant women of participation by male partner in clinical trial
- Opinion no. 61 - socialisation of care
- Opinion no. 60 - liver transplantation in patients suffering form acute alcoholic hepatitis (AAH)
- Opinion no. 59 - application of the Law on euthanasia (conscience clause)
- Opinion no. 58 - financing expensive medication
- Opinion no. 57 - "social freezing"
- Opinion no. 56 - wandering detection of people with dementia in home care situations
- Opinion no. 55 - treatment of patients with multidrugresistant tuberculosis
- Opinion no. 54 - post mortem removal of human body material for human medical applications or for scientific research purposes
- Opinion no. 52 - use of human tissues and cells in reproductive medicine
- Opinion no. 51 - publication of the results of human experimentation
- Opinion no. 50 - changes of the law on transplantion
- Opinion no. 49 - PGD for healthy carriers of a severe hereditary disease
- Opinion no. 48 - Belgian "influenza pandemic" operating plan
- Opinion no. 47 - compassionate use and medical need
- Opinion no. 46 - infertility treatment on the request of a prisoner
- Opinion no. 45 - human biological material banks for research
- Opinion no. 44 - growth attenuation in severely mentally disabled children
- Opinion no. 43 - commercialisation of human body parts
- Opinion no. 42 - umbilical cord blood banks
- Opinion no. 41 - informed consent and “D.N.R.” Codes
- Opinion no. 39 - hormonal treatment of sex offenders
- Opinion no. 38 - genetic testing to determine descent after death
- Opinion no. 36 - ethical testing of research in the life sciences
- Opinion no. 33 - somatic and germinal line gene modification
- Opinion no. 32 - the free availability of genetic tests
- Opinion no. 31 - experiments on pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Opinion no. 29 - embryo donations
- Opinion no. 28 - reproduction after the death of one of the partners
- Opinion no. 21 - involuntary treatment during involuntary commitment
- Opinion no. 18 - research on human embryos in vitro
- Opinion no. 17 - Self-test HIV
- Opinion no. 14 - persons suffering from dementia
- Opinion no. 13 - human experimentation
- Opinion no. 12 - protection of biotechnological inventions
- Opinion no. 11 - living organ donation
- Opinion no. 10 - reproductive human cloning
- Opinion no. 9 - active termination of the lives of persons incapable of expressing their wishes
- Opinion no. 8 - sterilising persons with a mental retardation
- Opinion no. 7 - access to health care
- Opinion no. 5 - protection of biotechnological inventions
- Opinion no. 4 - anonymous childbirth
- Opinion no. 3 - sex selection
- Opinion no. 2 - Convention Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe
- Opinion no. 1 - legal regulation on euthanasia
The Committee in a nutshell
Opinions by letter
The Committee in a nutshell
Contact information
Secretary of the Belgian Advisory Committee on Bioethics:
Avenue Galilée 5/2
+32 (0)2 524 91 84 - Sophie Bertrand, Coordinator
+32 (0)2 524 91 86/87 - Secretariat