If you disagree with our decision, you can lodge an appeal with the Directorate-General for Aviation of the FPS Mobility. This body will immediately send your appeal to the competent Chamber of the Appeal Board. This appeal procedure has to be paid for.
Contact information Directorate-General for Aviation: mobilit.belgium.be/fr/aviation (French) of mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart (Dutch)
The appeals process is fully defined in Chapter 3 of the AR of 12/07/2013 organizing the verification of physical and mental fitness conditions for flight and cabin crew members of civil aircraft, as well as air traffic controllers : AR 12/07/2013 (Législation consolidée) (French) of : KB 12/07/2013 (Geconsolideerde wetgeving) (Dutch)
Contact information
Place Victor Horta 40/10
1060 Brussels
FAM Collaborators : 02/524 76 50
Service Center Health: 02/524 97 97
Email: eclg-cema@health.fgov.be