If you are a victim of an act of terrorism recognised by the Belgian federal government, the Law of 18 July 2017 on the creation of a national solidarity scheme [1] allows you to apply for financial assistance.
There are three victim statuses:
- direct victims,
- entitled persons and
- indirect victims.
Your rights are different depending on your status.
For further information about these 3 categories and your rights, please contact the Committee for Financial Assistance to Victims of Deliberate Acts of Violence and to Occasional Rescue Workers. You will also find information on the Social Security website (in French, Dutch and German).
[1] Loi du 18 juillet 2017 relative à la création du statut de solidarité nationale, à l'octroi d'une pension de dédommagement et au remboursement des soins médicaux à la suite d'actes de terrorisme / Wet van 18 juli 2017 betreffende de oprichting van het statuut van nationale solidariteit, de toekenning van een herstelpensioen en de terugbetaling van medische zorg ingevolge daden van terrorisme
Contact information
- For all pension applications (forms, criteria for obtaining compensation, etc.), please contact the Civilian Victims of War and Victims of Terrorism Unit of the Federal Pensions Service (SFPD)
- For further information about the medical examination, please contact Medex
- Other useful links:
- Committee for Financial Assistance to Victims of Deliberate Acts of Violence and to Occasional Rescue Workers: https://justitie.belgium.be/nl/themas_en_dossiers/wat_moet_u_doen_als/slachtoffer/schadevergoeding/financiele_hulp/slachtoffers_van_terrorisme
- (only available in Dutch and French)