The Nagoya Protocol, which significantly strengthens the implementation of the third goal of the CBD, is a legally binding instrument for countries that have ratified it. It is scheduled to enter into force in 2014.

The European Union and its Member States have pledged to become "Parties to the Protocol" to ensure access for European companies and researchers to quality samples of genetic resources.

Towards ratification of the Nagoya Protocol

In order to ratify the Protocol and to become a Party, the European Union commissioned a study to analyse the legal and economic aspects related to the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the EU.

Stakeholders were consulted several times during this study, including by organising a public debate to explore possible effects of the Protocol and gathering practical advice on practical challenges associated with the implementation.

In early October 2012, the European Commission proposed a regulation laying down the rules governing the access and benefit-sharing for genetic resources and the traditional knowledge related to genetic resources, to enable the EU to ratify the Protocol and formally become a Party to it. The regulation is currently being discussed with the Member States of the European Union.

More information and documents can be found on the website of the European Union.