You would like to enhance your knowledge on nanomaterials?

Below you can find a list of links to: positions of Belgian and European institutions regarding nanomaterials, inventories of products containing nanomaterials  available on the market, as well as some information on ‘nano’-approved tests.

Information about nanomaterials present on the market:

  • Inventories of products containing nanomaterials on  the European market, by ANEC (The European Consumer voice in Standardisation) and BEUC (The European Consumers' Organisation): nano-silver (2012), nanomaterials (2010)
  • Research report by RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (the Netherlands)) discussing the  usefulness/applicabiliy of a ‘nano’-inventory. This was done on the request of the European Commission. A list of products containing nanomaterials can be found in the appendix of this document.
  • Inventory of the Woodrow Wilson Centre (products on the US market)
  • nanowerk: website containing information regarding the market of nanomaterials and ‘nano’-related innovations.
  • "The nanodatabase": database of products available  on the Danish market.
  • Report of the first year of registration of nanomaterials in France

Specific features about tests for nanomaterials:

  • The OECD has developed test methods for nanomaterials, based on data available from selected nanomaterials already present on the market.
  • Brochure 'national standards' of the FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy

Official websites:
