The aim of this day is to raise awareness of the importance of ventilation, which is essential for life, health and well-being. It also aims to highlight the community working to improve indoor air quality worldwide.

The theme of the 2024 event is #EnablingAction. This is the exact mission we are working on. Below, you will find the different tools we have already introduced to help improve indoor air quality.

Picto guide pratique CO2-mètres

A practical guide (FR, NL) to selecting, installing, using and maintaining air quality measurement equipment (CO2-meter)

  • Because measuring is knowing. And, in particular, measuring the CO2 concentration in a room gives you a good indication of the balance between the number of people present and the ventilation. This lets you know when it is time to open doors and windows to ventilate, for example.

Picto guide pratique purificateurs

A practical guide (FR, NL) to selecting an air purification system

  • Because not all purifiers eliminate the same pollutants, or with the same effectiveness. Follow the suggested steps to choose the right system for your needs.

Picto système de purification reconnu

! NEW! A process for recognising air purification systems that are harmless and highly effective against aerosolised viruses

  • Because you need reliable purifiers. Our experts check the advertised efficacy and non-dangerousness of the purifiers and, using a list and a label, tell you which systems you can buy without hesitation. This government guarantee is a world first in this field!


Picto guide pratique analyse de risques et plan d'actions

! NEW! A practical guide (FR, NL) to preparing a risk analysis and action plan

  • Because you need to look at indoor air quality before you can improve it. The risk analysis involves identifying the sources of pollution affecting indoor air quality and measuring the CO2 concentration and/or air flow rates. Based on these observations, it may be useful to draw up a prioritised list of sensible measures to improve air quality in the space. This is what we call an action plan.

Picto application informatique analyse de risques et plan d'actions

! NEW! A free software application (available in EN) for an easy online risk analysis and action plan

  • Because having a tool that guides you step by step is much simpler than using pen and paper. The practical guide above will also help you use this application.

These tools are mainly designed to improve indoor air quality in enclosed spaces accessible to the public.

Together, let's improve indoor air quality! #WorldVentil8Day #EnablingAction

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