Organisation in Belgium


The Central Veterinary Authority is the competent authority for the identification of equine animals and the registration of establishments where equine animals are kept in Belgium: 

  • the FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment is responsible for the legislation regarding the identification of equine animals and the registration of establishments where equine animals are kept, as well as for the implementation of the procedures to be followed;

The FPS has delegated the management of the central database (HorseID) to the Confédération belge du Cheval (CBC) and its two regional wings: CWBC (Confédération Wallonie-Bruxelles du Cheval) and PPV (Paardenpunt Vlaanderen).

  • the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain controls the application of the rules in the field and issues health certificates for the movement of equidae outside Belgium.

The identification documents for equidae born in Belgium are issued by the CBC except

  • for equidae intended to be entered in a breeding book maintained by a recognised breed society located in Belgium: the identification document is established and issued by breed societies recognised in Belgium;

​List of Belgian breed societies authorised to issue identification documents for equidae born in Belgium

  • for equidae intended to be entered in a breeding book maintained by a breed society which is located in another Member State and which has been authorised to operate in Belgium: the identification document is established by the foreign breed society.

List of foreign breeding organizations which are authorized to issue identification documents for horses born in Belgium.


The identification document is issued to the keeper through either the CBC or the breed society.

Model of agreement between the foreign breed society and the Belgian authorities