Packaging containing hazardous products must be designed to be resistant to its content and prevent leakages. Some hazard categories require additional precautions. These are specified in Article 35 as well as in the 3rd section of appendix II of the CLP regulation.

Thus a child-resistant fastening is mandatory for packaging containing a substance or a mixture provided to the general public and classified under one of the following categories:
• acute toxicity of categories 1 to 3,
• aspiration hazard,
• specific target organ toxicity (abbreviated as STOT) - single exposure category 1,
• STOT – repeated exposure category 1,
• skin corrosion category 1,

When a substance or mixture is supplied to the general public and contains  methanol in concentration equal or greater to 3% and/or dichloromethane in concentration  equal or greater to 1%, this child-resistant fastening must also be fitted to the packaging.

Similarly, a tactile warning of danger is mandatory for packaging containing a substance or a mixture provided to the general public and classified under one of the following categories:
• acute toxicity,
• skin corrosion,
• germ cells mutagenic  category 2,
• carcinogenicicity category 2,
• reproductive toxicitycategory 2,
• respiratory  sensitisation,
• specific target organ toxicity (STOT) categories 1 and 2,
• aspiration hazard,
• flammable gases, liquids and solid  categories 1 and 2.