Do the EAS systems imply a health risk?


Threshold values have been established (threshold values on the current density and SAR value) to protect the population against known short-term effects (thermal load, harmful effects on the nervous system) associated with the electromagnetic fields that originate from the EAS systems. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to launch only those products on the market that meet the threshold values.

Some people experience health problems when using wireless devices or with nearby electrical devices at field values that do not cause any hindrance for most people. This phenomenon is described in the section “Electromagnetic hypersensitivity”.

What should you watch out for?

In general

The standard stipulates that conformity measurements are performed by the manufacturer at a distance of 20 cm and more. After all, the assumption is that the public does not hang around the entrance of a store and that no one will lean on the detection ports.

That is why it is advisable to pay attention to how you position yourself with respect to the detection ports. Do not stand in between these ports for a long time, do not lean on them and also make your children aware of it. You will obviously not suffer burns or see flashes of light appear in your eyes - the threshold values provide a large safety margin. Yet, caution is advised.

People with electronic implants

Particularly people wearing electronic implants must be careful (such as pacemakers, implantable heart defibrillators). The risk of interference of the normal functioning of the implant is currently not that great. The durability of electronic implants against electromagnetic radiation has improved considerably in the last few decades. Yet, accidents can happen.

That is why it is also advisable here not to stand between or next to the detection ports but just calmly walk through them. Short-term electromagnetic interferences are filtered away by modern pacemakers and the risk that the electronic implant will react to this only occurs if the carrier stands next to the ports for about 30 seconds.

Unfortunately, the European regulation does not provide for a specific signal or warning on the detection ports. The reason for this is because accidents are extremely rare.