The National Strategy for Biological Diversity went under a midterm review in 2011.
An updating process begun in 2012 to:
- include the international and European commitments concluded under conventions related to biodiversity;
- and to include the conclusions and recommendations of the mid-term reviews.
Thus the 'Biodiversity 2020: Update of Belgium's National Biodiversity Strategy' (BNS) was developed in response to Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
It was adopted on 13 November 2013 by the Interministerial Conference for the Environment, which is formed of the competent Ministers of the Federal Government and the three regions of Belgium (Flanders, Brussels-Capital, Wallonia).
The BNS is setting out a series of priority goals to anticipate, prevent and reduce the causes of biodiversity loss in Belgium. It is the only national document on biodiversity that is applicable both at the federal and regional levels in order to comply with Belgium's European and international commitments. It provides a framework for the policy to be followed and the actions to be developed for its implementation.
The BNS and Action Plans are the main implementation instruments of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the national level, including to support the integration of biodiversity in the scheduling and the activities of all sectors whose activities could have an impact (positive and negative) on biodiversity.
Stratégie nationale biodiversité 2013_EN.pdf PDF document - 3.28 MB