To enrich and strengthen our specific operational services, Saniport collaborates with different people and organisations. Discover our current projects:
Exotic mosquitoes
Saniport is participating in the National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP). This includes the MEMO-project, or Monitoring of Exotic Mosquitoes. With the MEMO project, we want to control the presence of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium as much as possible to reduce the risk of vector-borne diseases in humans and animals. The project involves intense collaboration with the different regions, Sciensano and the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITG).
Saniport is contributing to the MEMO project by (among other things):
- Sharing knowledge on international traffic;
- Taking preventive action by supervising the disinsectisation (treatment with an insecticide) and hygiene of aircraft;
- If necessary, disinsecting the aircraft itself;
- Intervening in malaria cases in Belgium.