Undesirable effects can be reported to FPS Public Health via an online form.
To help you fill in the form, a completed sample form can be found here.
Please provide as much information as possible on the form.
Our other pages
Did you know that there are also systems for reporting undesirable effects to other products? You can report these reactions to the following departments, depending on the product-type:
Pharmacovigilance: drug side effects: Reporting a drug side effect as a patient | FAMHP
Materiovigilance: undesirable effects linked to the use of medical devices (health products with the CE marking): Materiovigilance | FAMHP
Cosmetovigilance: undesirable effects related to the use of cosmetic products: Health professionals | FPS Public Health (belgium.be/en)
Toxicovigilance: undesirable effects linked to the accidental ingestion of chemicals (household products, overdosed medicines, etc.): contact the Poison Control Centre: 070/245 245 (emergency number in the event of intoxication). Welcome to the Belgian Poisons Centre | Centre Antipoisons Belge
In the event of food poisoning: undesirable effects following the ingestion of a contaminated foodstuff that is unfit for consumption. Contact the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC): FASFC - Contact point for consumers (fasfc.be)