The European regulation no. 649/2012 ("PIC regulation") contains a set of 8 obligations for the exporters of hazardous chemicalsthat export outside the European Union:

1. Requirement of annual export notification of  products covered under the Regulation, irrespective of the product's destination country (whether or not party to the Rotterdam Convention). Hereto, the exporter uses the ePIC tool, developed by ECHA.

However, the export notification is no longer required when  a chemical becomes subject to the PIC procedure and the importing Party to the Convention has given an import response, unless the importing Party  continues to require notification (these responses are given in the PIC circulars).

For introducing a standard export notification, the exporter can refer to the procedure described in section 5 of the “ePIC” manuel developed by ECHA. The export notification must be at least 35 days before the first export is due to take place.

2. Requirement of annual export notification of products exported for research or analysis in annual quantities of 10 kg or less, irrespective of the product's destination country (whether or not party to the Rotterdam Convention).

For introducing a special export notification, the exporter can refer to the procedure described in section 9 of the“ePIC” manuel developed by ECHA

3 .Obligation to mention the reference identification number (RIN) assigned by the ePIC to the exporter in response to an export notification (standard or special) either in box 44 of the Single Administrative Documents (SAD), or in the corresponding data element in an electronic export declaration as completed under regulation no. 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code.
Please note that Y915 in box 44 of the SAD is the TARIC code which indicates the requirement for a RIN. . If the code Y915 is contained in this box, it must be accompanied by a RIN.  The code Y919 indicates that the product is exported for the purpose of research or analysis, in quantities not more than 10 kilograms; it must be accompanied by a "special RIN".

4. Obligation to comply with the same packaging and labelling requirements as those that are applicable within  the European Union (provisions of regulation no. 1272/2008 or CLP regulation pertaining to the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures) for exports of all chemicals covered under the regulation unless these are in conflict with requirements of the importing country.

5. Obligation not to export chemicals later than 6 months before expiry date, where applicable. The information appearing on the label must also include expiry and production dates, where appropriate.

6. Obligation to provide a safety data sheet (provisions of the regulation no. 1907/2006 or REACH regulations about the registration, evaluation and authorisation of Chemicals ) to each importer with the chemicals . The information on the label and on the safety data sheet shall, as far as practicable, be given in the official languages, or in one or more of the principal languages, of the country of destination.

7. Obligation to inform of the quantities of chemicals/exported to each importing country for the previous year to the DNA of the country in which the exporter is established (importers have to provide the same information for quantities of chemicals placed on the internal market). Please refer to the procedure described in section 12 of the“ePIC” manual developed by ECHA.

8. Obligation not to export chemicals listed in appendix V of the regulation 649/2012.

*Contact details of the Designated National Authority (DNA) of the Member States of the European Union is available on the website of ECHA

 For further information, view the ECHA PIC page or check with your DNA.