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    Page under construction.More information: http://www.inami.fgov.be/homefr.htm
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    What conditions must be met to receive prior authorisation?

    Whichever form of reimbursement you choose, the medical officer of your health insurance fund* can not refuse to grant you prior authorisation* if:- the planned healthcare which...
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    Appeal against a decision

    Do you disagree with a decision taken by your Belgian health insurance fund* concerning treatment in another country of the European Union*, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or...
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    Can your application for prior authorisation be turned down?

    The medical officer* of your health insurance fund* will refuse you a prior authorisation* if the healthcare treatment for which you are applying for prior authorisation*: - is...
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    Quality and safety standards for healthcare in another EU country

    Quality and safety standards for healthcare in another country of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland Healthcare is provided according to the...
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    European legislation

    The right to reimbursement for medical care is in principle a national matter. European Union law, however, makes it possible: - to go to another European Union* country, Iceland...
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    Regulations (EC) 883/2004 and 987/2009

     Objective Regulations (EC) 883/2004 and 987/2009* - aim at facilitating the free movement of citizens within the European Union*; - are the most important European Union...
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    Directive 2011/24/EU

    Objective The objective of the European directive 2011/24/EU* is: - to clarify your rights as a patient with respect to access to and reimbursement of healthcare in another...
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    Do you need prior authorisation?

    Here you can find information as to the procedure for applying for prior authorisation* if you wish to travel to another country in the European Union*, Iceland, Liechtenstein,...
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    Priority rule

    Under EU law, there are therefore two parallel ways to receive reimbursement of the costs of healthcare: either Regulations (EC) 883/2004 and 987/2009* apply, or the European...