• Theme

    New labels and symbols

    Everyone uses all kinds of chemical products on a daily basis. Most of them can be classified under the heading of “household chemicals”. We hereby refer to products such as...
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    Activities at sea

    ACTIVITIES AT SEA The Belgian part of the North Sea has a large and often unprecedented biodiversity. The spectrum of human activities that takes place is also extremely diverse...
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    Timber and timber products

    Timber is a much used natural raw material. Timber and timber products are used as building materials (prefab constructions, plates, trusses, floor covering en timber cladding,...
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    Database Biofuel

    To calculate the contribution of sustainable biofuels to the goal of using renewable energy allocated to Belgium by Directive 2009/28 / EC, lots of biofuels placed on the market,...
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    Mobile machinery

    Agricultural machinery and construction machinery must meet the emission limits for pollutants, just like conventional vehicles such as cars and trucks must comply with the Euro...
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    Towards efficient and sustainable use of natural resources

    The intense global competition to exploit, procure and manage certain natural resources (fuels, minerals, metals, water, biomass, clean air, etc.)  has lead to scarcity...
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    What is the federal policy for sustainable development?

    The 1997 Act defines the federal policy on Sustainable Development and establishes the bodies and tools required for its coordination. The Federal sustainable development...
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    Towards sustainable production and consumption modes

    Our current production and consumption modes are major causes of excessive use of natural resources, environmental degradation and climate change. A profound change in our...
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    Healthcare in another country of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

    European legislation Unplanned healthcare Planned healthcare Which types of healthcare are reimbursed by the Belgian health insurance? Follow-up treatment...
  • Theme

    Follow-up treatment

    You live in Belgium If you have received healthcare in another country of the European Union*, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, then you are entitled to follow-up...