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    List of Opinions

      Opinions Opinions by letter   Opinions Opinion no. 85 - the ethical legitimacy of prioritisation in healthcare Opinion no. 82 - Status of human...
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    Permits and legislation

    This information is outdated, an update is in progress.   Permits and legislation A sustainable balance between a healthy marine environment and human activities at sea...
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    Waste: how long to decompose at sea?

    Marine litter is a growing global problem. Every year, an average of 11 million tons of plastic waste ends up in the sea; in other words a truck of waste every minute....
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    Specific regulation of tobacco products

    Notification (page currently being modified following the publication of the royal decree of March 3, 2024) The Royal Decree of 5 February 2016 on the manufacture and...
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    Party States report procedure

    The procedure Each State that ratifies the Aarhus Convention must send a report every two to three years to the Convention’s International Secretariat regarding implementation of...