In EuropeThe European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is responsible for the management of all REACH tasks and the consistent application thereof. It supports the member states and the...
The REACH regulation is based on the registration of chemical substances. In order to place on the market chemical substances, the companies, manufacturers and importer must...
Presence of asbestos in daily life
Asbestos has been used in several applications, especially in building and construction. This is why it will still remain present for a long...
All information about climate change, its causes, impacts and solutions, the climate policy at different levels, financial support, the actions we can undertake and many other...
Stratospheric ozone protects life on Earth whilst tropospheric ozone, more prevalent in summer because of high temperatures and pollution, is a harmful gas. What causes ozone?...
Mercury enjoys very special physical-chemical properties. But this substance and its compounds are toxic, persistent in the environment and bio-accumulate in the food chain....
Mercury is mainly used in industrial products and processes. It persists in the environment, bio-accumulates in the food chain and can travel long distances. For restricting these...
* Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions * International mechanisms * Reporting and Monitoring * ...
Would you like to consult the National Climate Plan? Are you looking for more information about biodiversity or our North Sea? Or would you like a copy of a Royal Decree on...
* CCIEP and ICE * Environment and health * Biodiversity * Citizenship and environnement ...