• Theme

    Participation in plans and programmes related to the environment

    Plans and programmes relating to environment are an essential tool when organising social activities in time and space.  Plans can be established at various levels:...
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    Participation in specific projects or activities having an impact on the environment

    The acceptance procedures for projects or specific activities such as establishing a new industrial activity, a new road or a land development, require an environmental impact...
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    The principles relating to access to justice

    A broad access The access to justice as provided for by the Aarhus Convention aims firstly at making legal action possible in case of failings regarding access to environmental...
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    What are the ways of making an appeal in Belgium?

    There are three possible kinds of action in our country: Judicial appeals: courts and tribunals Judicial appeal is intended for disputes concerning prerogatives (subjective...
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    For further information

    . International:Aarhus Convention (UNECE) (WEB)Aarhus Clearing House (WEB) · European level:Aarhus on European level (WEB) · In Belgium:Federal levelFederal portal (WEB)Flemish...
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    Public consultations

    The content of this page is not yet available in English but can be shown in the following languages: French – Dutch.
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    Marine spatial plan: results of the public consultation

    From 2 July 2013 till 29 September 2013 the FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment organized a public consultation about the draft marine spatial plan (MSP) and the...
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    Environment & Health

    What impact does the environment have on health? In recent years, this issue has become one of increasing concern. Two factors account for this evolution: the proliferation of...
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    Environment & Health: a new challenge…(next)

    European level * The political response in Belgium * The National Environment and Health Action Plan (NEHAP), a crucial tool… * … plus specific recommendations * And what can you...
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    For further information

    NGOswww.espace-environnement.be/default.htm (WEB)www.oivo-crioc.org (FR/NL) (WEB)www.epha.org (WEB)www.env-health.org (WEB)www.isde.org/ (WEB)www.bondbeterleefmilieu.be (NL) (WEB)...