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    Product policy

    *   Product Policy Coordination   *   Product Managers Coordination   *   Legal Instruments   *   Socio-educational Instruments   *   Economic Instruments   *   Ecolabel  Focal...
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    Air and climate change

    Climate (HTML)Ozone (HTML)
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    Page under construction.More information: http://www.inami.fgov.be/homefr.htm
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    The Directorate-General for the Environment: a mainspring

    *   International Affairs   *   Products Policy   *   Marine environment * Chemical substances   *   Inspection ...
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    For further information

    On ozone peaks in Belgium: see link: CELINE IRCEL (WEB)Further reading: The FPS has published a leaflet entitled “leaflet “Ozone and heat waves. Helping those who are alone and...
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    What causes tropospheric ozone?

    Indoors, using photocopiers and laser printers produces relatively large amounts of tropospheric ozone, hence the need to properly ventilate rooms where these machines are kept....
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    Boundless ozone

    Both ozone precursors and ozone itself are gases that travel through the atmosphere, sometimes over very long distances (several hundred kilometres). Thus it is not easy to...
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    International and European action

    The Geneva Convention (WEB) (UN - 1979) on long-range transboundary air pollution (LRTAP) aims to limit air pollution on the European continent with a view to protecting man and...
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    What does Belgium do?

    Both the regions and the Federal Government are involved in the tropospheric ozone issue in line with their respective responsibilities. Belgian experts meet within the framework...
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    What can I do?

    What should you do when an ozone peak occurs or is impending? -  Keep yourself informed, via the radio, press or by consulting the CELINE website (WEB). -  Avoid...