• Theme

    For further information

    . International:Aarhus Convention (UNECE) (WEB)Aarhus Clearing House (WEB) · European level:Aarhus on European level (WEB) · In Belgium:Federal levelFederal portal (WEB)Flemish...
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    Public consultations

    The content of this page is not yet available in English but can be shown in the following languages: French – Dutch.
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    Marine spatial plan: results of the public consultation

    From 2 July 2013 till 29 September 2013 the FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment organized a public consultation about the draft marine spatial plan (MSP) and the...
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    Environment & Health

    What impact does the environment have on health? In recent years, this issue has become one of increasing concern. Two factors account for this evolution: the proliferation of...
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    Environment & Health: a new challenge…(next)

    European level * The political response in Belgium * The National Environment and Health Action Plan (NEHAP), a crucial tool… * … plus specific recommendations * And what can you...
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    For further information

    NGOswww.espace-environnement.be/default.htm (WEB)www.oivo-crioc.org (FR/NL) (WEB)www.epha.org (WEB)www.env-health.org (WEB)www.isde.org/ (WEB)www.bondbeterleefmilieu.be (NL) (WEB)...
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    Environment and Health: For a coherent approach on every level

    An increasingly acute problem * WHO-Europe: the driving force * The European Union commitment in its action programmes * The stakes for Belgium * The involvement of civil society...
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    SEA: Strategic Environmental Assessment

    Assessing plans and programmes for their environmental impact Imagine the following situation: the construction of a new railway line is planned near where you live. When you...
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    European and Belgian legislation

    In 2001, Directive 2001-42-EC (.PDF) on the assessment of the environmental impact of certain plans and programmes was adopted at European level. This is better known...
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    Marine debris

    The effects of pollution on account of marine debris (plastic or glass objects, bags, cigarette butts, etc.) on animals are increasingly becoming of concern. Many cetaceans...