• Theme

    The consumer has the right to know

    As a consumer, you have the right to ask your supplier* whether the item that you have just purchased from him contains a substance of very high concern (SVHC- substance of very...
  • Theme

    Our North Sea

    THE NORTH SEA, OUR ELEVENTH PROVINCE! The Belgian part of the North Sea, at nearly 3,500 km², is about the size of a province. This amounts to 0.5% of the entire North Sea. This...
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    Suitable controlled risks

    The purpose of authorisation, as envisaged in the REACH regulation, is to ensure that the "risks from substances of very high concern are properly controlled and that these...
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    Restriction of substances, mixtures and articles: the REACH safety net

    The restriction procedure is used to limit the manufacturing, use or marketing of substances, mixtures and articles that pose an unacceptable risk to human health or to the...
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    New threats

    These are threats that have emerged recently due to technological progress or increase in the human population, etc. These threats are still poorly understood because they are...
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    Asbestos: danger to life!

    Asbestos is not naturally present in Belgium. It is a highly toxic, natural, fibrous material. This is why, since the end of 2001, it has been strictly prohibited across Belgium...
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    Health risks

    Exposure to asbestos can lead to serious  diseases and sometimes even fatal diseases that manifest several years later. The Agency for Occupationnal Risks (Fedris)...
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    Classification and labelling of chemical products

    Chemical products are part of our daily life. You use them every day for cleaning, painting, gluing, oiling, greasing, etc. These products are required by us but sometimes there...
  • Theme


    Mercury is a substance that is hazardous to health and environment even in very tiny doses. Therefore, several initiatives were taken by government authorities, especially at the...
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    Conventions on biodiversity

    Convention on Biological Diversity The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) contains several obligations concerning cetaceans. States must legislate to ensure the...