In Europe
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is responsible for the management of all REACH tasks and the consistent application thereof. It supports the member states and the European Commission with regard to scientific advice about the safety and socioeconomic aspects of the use of chemicals.
The ECHA website is the collection point for all information in connection with REACH. This site will guide you to the technical accompanying documents, the frequently asked questions, useful software and the helpdesks. The latest news about the accompanying documents, resources, data about chemicals and the regulation can be found here.
The European Commission (DG Environmentand DG Enterprise and Industry) proposes changes to REACH, if necessary.
In Belgium
Several governments in Belgium are qualified for REACH. That is why the federal and regional governments mentioned hereinafter have concluded a cooperation agreement. You can find more information on the website REACH.BE.
- Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment
The risk management department of the DG Environment of the Federal Public Service of Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and the Environment is the competent government that is responsible for the coordination of the tasks that have been determined in the REACH regulation in Belgium. The department is responsible for the evaluation of the substances, the participation in the different committees of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and for taking initiatives for the application of substances that are subject to authorisation or for which restrictions apply.
The risk management department also plays an important role in informing corporations and the population about the risks of chemicals for health and the environment.
- Federal Public Service (FPS) Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy
The national REACH Helpdesk of the FPS of Economics, SME, the Self-Employed and Energy gives advice to manufacturers, importers, buyers and other interested parties about their responsibilities and obligations with regard to the REACH regulation.
- Federal Public Service (FPS) of Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue
More information regarding the protection of the employees against chemical agents in general and also against carcinogenic (including asbestos) and mutagenic agents can be found on the website of the FPS of Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue:
- In Brussels
Environment Brussels
More information about REACH:
- In Flanders
Department of the Environment, Nature and Energy of the Flemish government (LNE)
More information about REACH:
- In Wallonia
Operational Directorate General of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment of the Public Service of Wallonia
More information:
The enclosed table provides an overview of the different inspection departments that can take action.