As a professional associated with the chemicals sector (substance, mixture or article), you have duties pertaining to classification, labelling and packaging. They are defined by the CLP regulation.
Each type of professional has different responsibilities.
You can define the category of professional to which you belong based on your role in the supply chain.
To which category of professional do you belong?
We can differentiate the categories based on the professionals covered under the CLP regulation.
1. Manufacturers of substances/mixtures or importers *
2. Downstream users
3. Distributors
4. Producers of specific articles*
An article means an object which during the production is given a special shape, surface or design which determines its function to a greater degree than does its chemical composition.
The responsible of placing a mixture on the market must also declare his product at the Poison Centre!
* A producer or importer of an item is involved in the CLP regulations only under two scenarios:
• if he imports or produces an explosive item as described in section 2.1 of appendix I of the CLP regulation
• if Articles 7 and 9 of the REACH regulation for registration or notification of a substance contained in an article are applicable.