At federal level, the term "environmental information" refers to:

- the elements: the state of the atmosphere, air, water, soil, land, landscape, natural sites, biological diversity (including genetically modified organisms) and the interaction between these elements;

- humans: the state of human health and safety (including contamination of the food chain), people's living conditions;

- heritage sites: the condition of valuable cultural sites and buildings;

- factors affecting or likely to affect environmental elements, such as chemical substances, energy, noise, radiation or waste (including radioactive waste), emissions, spills and other releases into the environment;

- measures and activities which may have an impact on the environment, or which are intended to maintain, protect, restore or limit pressure on the environment;

- cost-benefit and other economic analyses and assumptions used in the implementation of the above measures;

- reports on the implementation of environmental legislation.

This is a summary of the broad and detailed definition of the term "environmental information" given by the Law of 5 August 2006 on public access to environmental information.